Systems Have I Loved: Sega Genesis

At some point in my life (around 1992 or 1993), I garnered enough cash to pick up the Sega Genesis.

Genesis DOES!

System: By the time I got it, it was the late model Genny, or as it’s known, the “sexy Genesis.” I still don’t know why I would go for the Genesis over the Super Nintendo, other than the fact that the Genesis was probably cheaper. But at the time, the Genesis/Super Nintendo were on even footing in terms of popularity and I believe the Genesis had like 4 times as many games out. Looking back, I would tell myself to continue saving and get the Super Nintendo, because it’s amazing. But I’ll save my love for the SNES for later.

Favorite Games: I know I played plenty of Sonic the Hedgehog II, which I believe came with the system. With good reason – it’s an excellent platformer, and it was two-player (essential in the Bent household). Also, it was difficult without being overwhelmingly so. Bubsy saw some play, also Aladdin (which was actually better on Genesis than SNES, because you had a sword). Apparently I never tired of jumping from ledge to ledge and then running in the early 90s.

I think the big one was probably X-Men, which offered four different characters to choose from and two-player mode. I don’t remember getting past Apocalypse, but who does, right?

Least Favorite: I will forever love my mom for many reasons, but here’s a good one. My mom was not a fan of video games, and made no bones about the fact that she would rather we didn’t own them. That said, my brother and I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how best to spend our money on video games. There was a video store in our local Stop & Shop, and they would keep a bin of used tapes and games out in front where my brother and I would rifle through for anything of value while my mom was checking out.

One time, I decided my money would be well spent on a copy of James Pond (the vagueries of memory prevent me from accurately identifying which iteration of the James Pond series it was). When I got it home, I thought it was terrible. Lame graphics, cheesy gameplay, etc. I’m seeing now on its Wikipedia page that apparently it was a port from the Amiga, which may have had something to do with my general disappointment.

I felt cheated, but also, helpless. The video store had a strict no returns policy about things from the bin, which is fair if you’re a rental house first and a used games retailer second. But Mom would not let her son’s wasted allowance fall by the wayside. We went back to the Stop & Shop, where my mom, who had not watched me play the game at all, proceeded to argue with the store clerk about the lack of quality of the game, to the point where they allowed me to exchange it for another. I wisely traded for a copy of Rocket Knight Adventures, which was pretty fun, as I recall. You have a sword AND a rocket pack. Thanks for going to bat for me, Mom. Sorry I still play too many video games.

Personal Quirks: Nothing I can recall. I don’t know why my memory of the Genesis is so spotty, but I barely remember owning it.

Next up: the Super Nintendo Entertainment System.